Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Organic Food To Lose Weight

How does organic food contribute to weight loss?  I'll get to that shortly.

What differentiates organic food from conventional food?  Organic food is produced without artificial chemicals in it.  So, if it's a vegetable, it's cultivated without the use of pesticides and herbicides.  If it's poultry, the chicken may have been grass-fed, or may have been fed with organic feed and is not exposed to growth hormones and antibiotics.  If it's peanut butter, then the peanut must be organic and all other ingredients in the butter must be organically produced too. 

So, when eating organic food, which is free from chemicals, the liver won't be busy filtering toxins in the body.  With less 'focus' on filtering chemicals, the liver can now focus more on burning fat by regulating the body's metabolism and processing food nutrients and fat effectively.

Is going organic worth the expensive shopping?  An organic chicken in Malaysia is priced averagely around RM25, depending on size and where you buy it.  An organic egg is between RM1.10 to RM1.40.  Well, is your health worth it?  Only you can answer that.

Organic food not only helps to lose weight, it's a healthy choice.  Unfortunately, I still can't go 100% organic now.  Either it's due to the difficulty of finding halal organic food or budget constraint.  For vegetables, if you opt to buy conventional ones, choose cabbage, broccoli, eggplant or asparagus.  These vegetables tend to be lower in pesticide levels.  Our 'kampung' vegetables such as kangkung, pucuk paku and midin (famous in Sarawak) are good choices also.

One more thing on losing weight - please use organic cold-pressed coconut oil for your cooking needs.  Coconut oil encourages fat loss.  I normally buy mine at Country Farm Organics outlet.  But it's easy to find coconut oil in any organic shop.  Conventional oil goes through heavy processing and refining to reach our homes today so whatever good the natural oil has is destroyed in the process.


  1. hello there..are us still consume organic product?

    1. Yes, thank God I still do. But not 100%. My eggs, chicken and coconut oil are organic. For salt, I consume Celtic Sea Salt, which is free from chemicals. For meat, I haven't found a halal, organic source. For vegetables, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't - depending on where I do my shopping.
